报告题目:Effective model analysis on observations of two-color lattice QCD simulation
报告人:Mamiya Kawaguchi (川口真实也),中国科学院大学
报告时间:2024年3月29日 15:00-17:00

Mamiya Kawaguchi,19年博士毕业于日本名古屋大学,随后在日本名古屋大学、复旦大学、中国科学院大学从事博士后研究工作。Mamiya Kawaguchi长期从事高能理论物理,尤其是有限温有限密度QCD、有效模型,以及手征对称性等方面的研究。
Thus far, the hot QCD properties have been explored by both lattice simulations and effective model analyses to gain a deeper understanding of QCD nonperturbative nature. However, when including quark chemical potential, lattice QCD simulations suffer from the sign problem and cannot work in baryonic matter. For this reason, our understanding of QCD in high-density matter remains limited compared to that in hot medium.
Instead of real QCD with chemical potential, the sign problem can be avoided in the two-color QCD with two flavors. Recently, the two-color lattice QCD simulations have provided several observations such as the topological susceptibility and the sound velocity in the baryonic matter. However, in this context the effective model analysis remains underdeveloped.
In this talk I will employ the effective model to compare with the lattice observations. Through the comparison, I will try to gain a understanding of the baryonic QCD matter.