报告题目:Cosmology in the machine learning era
报告嘉宾:Francisco (Paco) Villaescusa-Navarro,Flatiron Institute 研究员
报告时间:2025年3月19日 9:30
线上ZOOM会议:821 9739 9872 密码: 128029
Cosmology is a branch of astrophysics dedicated to the study of the laws and constituents of the Universe. To achieve this, cosmologists look at the spatial distribution of galaxies in the Universe with the goal of finding patterns in that distribution that reveal the fundamental physics behind the dynamics of the cosmos. In this talk, I will show how deep learning is revolutionizing the way cosmologists tackle decades-old problems and how graph neural networks can be used in combination with state-of-the-art hydrodynamic simulations to maximize the amount of information that can be extracted from cosmological observations. Time permitting, I will also discuss how AI agents may be a game changer for how we do cosmology and science.

Francisco (Paco) Villaescusa-Navarro,美国纽约 Flatiron Institute 的研究员。他在西班牙 University of Valencia 获得博士学位,曾在意大利 Astronomical Observatory of Trieste 和纽约 Center for Computational Astrophysics 从事博士后研究,后成为 Princeton University 的副研究学者,目前仍在该校担任访问研究学者。Francisco 是迄今最大规模宇宙学 N 体模拟项目 Quijote simulations 的主要设计者,同时也是 CAMELS 模拟项目的核心团队成员,该团队设计并运行了目前最大规模的先进流体动力学模拟。他通过将数值模拟数据与机器学习方法结合来开发理论模型,以最大限度提取宇宙学观测数据中的信息,致力于揭示宇宙奥秘。