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时间:2020-09-27 10:02:19 点击:

报告题目:Non-Equilibrium Dynamics of Quantum Critical Phenomena

报 告 人 :唐启承, 西湖大学



报告摘要:Quantum criticality has attracted wide interest of different area in physics. Nowaday, conformal field theory (CFT) has become a profitable tool as a diagnosis of critical phenomena. In this talk, I will brifly introduce the basic idea using CFT to describe the quantum criticality, and show how CFT gives universal entanglement structure in critical system. The knowledge from CFT helps us to indicate the emergence of quantum criticality in non-equilibirum dynamics of quantum systems. For unitary dynamics, we found that the quantum criticality can be encoded into the entanglement spectra via quantum quench under a gapless Hamiltonian. For non-unitary dynamics, by adding local projective measurement into the unitary time evolution background, we find a measurement-induced transition between volume and area law phases. The transition point has logrithimic entanglement entropy and power-law correlations that indicate the emergence of conformal symmetry.

报告人简介:唐启承,西湖大学物理专业博士生,于2018年于吉林大学物理学院获得学士学位。研究领域主要包括:1. 发展用于模拟强关联体系的数值工具,包括矩阵乘积态(matrix product state)和投影纠缠对态(projected entangled pair states);2. 通过共形场论等有效理论研究量子体系中的临界现象;3. 非平衡动力学过程中的热化以及层展的量子临界性。已在PRB、PR Research、Annalen der Physik、CPL等国内外专业学术期刊上发表研究工作4篇。担任Physical Review Journal审稿人。

