报告人: Emmanuele Battista, Institute for Theoretical Physics(ITP), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
报告时间: 2021年3月5日下午4点
报告地点: 吉林大学前卫校区物理楼302,在线报告 (online) https://cern.zoom.us/j/61689351926?pwd=M0FOZUpRME1RYUYxeWMvRyszbUQ1Zz09
报告摘要: Spacetimedefect has been recently proposed in the literature as a tool to tame thebig-bang singularity. Such anobject can be described by a degenerate metric with a vanishing determinant ona 3-dimensional submanifold of the spacetime and a nonzero length scale b,which acts as a “regulator" of the Friedmann singularity. This new metrichas been called the regularized-big-bang metric and it gives rise to anonsingular spatially flat Friedmann-type solution of the Einsteingravitational field equation which allows for a “pre-big-bang" phase witha bounce-type behavior of the cosmic scale factor. In this talk, I willdescribe some features underlying this regularized geometry. In particular, Iwill discuss the physical effects pointing out the presence of the defect inthe regularized Robertson-Walker spacetime by considering two main physicalquantities: the compressive forces acting on (human) observers and the energypossessed by massive particles and photons during their dynamical evolution.