报告题目:The flat-space limit of AdS/CFT
报告人: 厉岳洲
报告地点:吉林大学中心校区物理楼302,在线报告(ZOOM ID: 810 1074 4622)
In this talk, I would like to review the existed but seemingly different frameworks of taking the flat-space limit for AdS/CFT, which include the momentum-space framework, Mellin-space framework, coordinate framework and partial-wave framework. The latter three frameworks turn out to be equivalent in the literature, but with massive case and massless case sharply different. Then I'll explain the origin of these frameworks using the smearing kernel language, and show how to unify the massless framework and massive framework.
厉岳洲,天津大学硕士研究生毕业,导师是吕宏教授。现为加拿大麦吉尔大学博士在读生,导师是 Simon Caron-Huot 教授。主要从事共形场论与共形场论 bootstrap, 引力规范对偶与 AdS/CFT,散射矩阵,引力与黑洞物理,早期暴胀宇宙学模拟等方面的理论研究。