报告题目:Anomalous physical properties in compressed CsV3Sb5
报 告 人 :应剑俊
报告时间: 2021年12月18日下午15:00
报告地点: 线上(腾讯会议 759859708)
The recently discovered layered kagome metal AV3Sb5 (A = K, Rb, and Cs) provides us a new playground to study the interplay of superconductivity and CDW state by involving nontrivial topology of band structures. Here, we present high-pressure electrical transport measurements for CsV3Sb5. The CDW is completely suppressed at a critical pressure ~2 GPa together with a maximum Tc of about 8 K. In contrast to a common dome-like behavior, the pressure-dependent Tc shows an unexpected double-peak behavior below 10 GPa. More interestingly, a new dome-like superconducting phase emerges above 14 GPa, which could be attributed to the dimensional crossover at high pressure. A giant anomalous Hall conductivity is observed exactly following the CDW transition at ambient pressure. The evolution of the anomalous Hall conductivity under pressure were detailed investigated. Our discoveries reveal anomalous physical properties of CsV3Sb5 at high pressure, pointing to an unconventional nature of the CDW and superconductivity.
应剑俊,中国科学技术大学特任研究员,2013年博士毕业于中国科学技术大学,随后在美国卡耐基华盛顿研究所做博士后,2018年入职中国科学技术大学物理学院,入选中科院百人计划B。主要从事凝聚态高压物理的研究。近年来的研究兴趣主要集中在压力下的物性调控及新效应的探索。已发表学术论文 80 余篇,引用3000余次。