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时间:2021-12-22 15:48:19 点击:

报告题目:Non-flammableelectrolytes for emerging potassium and zinc batteries

报 告 人:Dr. JianfengMao

报告时间:2021年12月26日 9:00-10:00(北京时间)

腾讯会议号:962 108 216


Thedevelopment of advanced energy storage systems is urgent to transform oursociety into one based on renewable energy resources, in which rechargeablebatteries are one of the most promising approaches but remains to be solved.Due to the low cost and abundant resources, potassium and zinc batteries havebeen emerged as promising low-cost systems for large-scale energy storage. Oneof the challenges is to develop safe electrolytes for stabilizing theelectrode/electrolyte interface to achieve high performance. In this talk, Iwill introduce our recent work on non-flammable electrolytes for K-ionbatteries and aqueous electrolytes for Zn batteries, and will discuss theissues and opportunities for building better batteries.


Dr JianfengMao received his B.S., M. Eng, and Ph.D from Jilin University, Chinese AcademySciences, and University of Wollongong, respectively. He has been working atthe Max-Planck-Institute, University of Glasgow, University of Maryland,University of Wollongong, and the University of Adelaide. His researchinterests are in developing functional materials and electrolytes for nextgeneration high-energy and large-scale batteries, and understanding theirfundamentals of electrochemical processes in electrodes and atelectrode/electrolyte interfaces. He has published over 70 articles in internationalrefereed journals such as Journal of The American Chemical Society, AngewandteChemie, Advanced Materials, and Energy & Environmental Science. Thesepublications have received over 5,342 citations, giving an h index of 37 atGoogle Scholar (December 2021).

