报告题目:Unveiling hadron and nuclear structures at high energies
报告人:Kazuhiro Watanabe(渡边和弘)
报告地点:线上ZOOM会议Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 620 6148 7758
Quarks and gluons confined inside hadrons at Femto-scales are fundamental degrees of freedom, giving rich and interesting phenomena concerning strong interactions, described by quantum chromodynamics (QCD). Unveiling structures of hadrons and nuclei, which are many-body systems of proton and neutron, from the first principle, QCD, is one of the exciting challenges in quantum physics. A longstanding issue in this regard is gluon distributions at small Bjorken-x. At extreme small-x or high energy, the gluon density inside hadrons and nuclei increases rapidly and could eventually give rise to saturation of the gluon density. The gluon saturation should affect various observables at experiments involving hadrons or nuclei if it happens. Nevertheless, extensive studies over the past two decades based on an effective field theory at high energies have led us to find that hunting the gluon saturation is elusive.
This talk will briefly outline the fundamental features of hadron and nuclear structures at high energies, including the gluon saturation, and present how we can probe into gluons at small-x. I will then highlight recent progress in studying hadron and nuclear structures at small-x with heavy quarkonium production in hadronic collisions and hadron-nucleus collisions, which is sensitive to the gluon content of hadrons and nuclei at small-x and the hadronization of a heavy quark pair into a physical quarkonium meson. At the end of this talk, we will consider prospects for studies on hadron and nuclear structures with quarkonia and other observables at future experiments, such as High-Luminosity LHC and Electron-Ion Colliders in the U.S. and China.
2014年获得东京大学博士学位,之后先后在日本东京大学物理研究所、中国华中师范大学粒子物理研究所、美国奥道明大学核理论小组、美国杰斐逊实验室理论中心做博士后研究,现今在法国科学研究中心SUBATECH实验室的理论组做博士后研究员。目前正在研究冷QCD物质中的相干能量损失机制和核子分布函数。2018年获得Jefferson Science Associates有前途的青年科学家奖,现担任Journal of Nuclear Physics A, International Modern Physics Journal杂志的审稿人。
•Small-x 物理,包括胶子饱和。
•对撞机/加速器的现象学,例如 RHIC、LHC、CEBAF、SuperKEKB 和 EIC。