报告题目:Old Problems and New Insights: Highlights on Recent High-Pressure Research
报 告 人:John S. Tse
腾讯会议:Zoom Meeting ID: 950 680 6742 Passcode: 2022
In this presentation, I will highlight some recent progress on high-pressure research in my group. We have resolved several important outstanding problems, such as the proposal on the existence mixed valence states in lanthanide compounds [1,2] , the Zintl-Klemen charge-transfer model to describe the structure and bonding of high-pressure structures and phenomena [3] in time-dependent pressure-induced amorphization of ice [4,5]. These studies involve both state-of-the-art experiments and theoretical calculations. I will also discuss new results on the chemistry and transport properties of mineral melts [6,7] and a recent finding on the initial formation of deep-earth diamond precursors near the core-mantle boundary.
1.J. K. Desmarais, et.al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 099702, 2022.
2.J. K. Desmarais, et,al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 126, 196404 2021.
3.J.S. Tse, Nat. Sci. Rev.,7, 149, 2020 (invited review).
4.R. Bauer, et.al., Nature, 585,:E9, 2020.
5.C. Lin and J.S. Tse, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 12, 38024, 2021. (invited perspective.).
A.Majumdar, et,al., Nat. Comm., 11, 4815, 2020.
6.H. Kuang, and J.S. Tse, Physica Status Solidi B, 2100644, 2022 (invited)
Dr. Tse has a very broad research interest at the converging frontiers of chemistry and physics. During his undergraduate years, he worked as a researcher in the x-ray crystallography laboratory helping to solve crystal structures. His first scientific paper in 1975 on the elucidation of the crystal structure of Dacron, while he was still an undergraduate student. He joined the National Research Council in 1980 and became a Principal Research Officer and Leader of the Theory and Computation Program. In his early career, he made several ground-breaking contributions to natural gas hydrates, an abundant source of fossil energy. A notable example is the theory he developed to explain the anomalous glass-like thermal conduction behaviour of crystalline gas hydrates. This theory was later adopted as a new paradigm on the rational design of efficient thermoelectric materials. His interest in high-pressure science started in early 1990 when he explained the phenomenon of pressure amorphization of crystalline solids. For this work, he was awarded the 1995 Chemical Society of Canada Noranda (later the Keith Laidler) award for a physical chemist under 45. He advanced concepts on the design of superalloys, Li ion batteries, thermoelectric and hydrogen storage materials. He is an internationally recognized expert in ice physics. Since moving to the University of Saskatchewan in 2004 as a Canada Research Chair, he focused on the superconductivity behaviour of dense hydrogen alloys and magnetic single-molecule radical solids under compression. Most notable recent achievements include the prediction and participation in the characterization of superconductivity in high-pressure dense hydrogen-rich silane in 2008 and co-discovered the first nano-molecular metal in 2012. He was elected to a Fellow of the Royal Society, Canada in 2018. Dr. Tse has published over 590 articles, including 33 reviews and book chapters on diverse subjects. His h-index is 75 with over 20,600 citations. Many of the papers appeared in the most prestigious scientific journals such as Nature (11), Nature Materials (1), Nature Chemistry (1), Nature Comm. (2), Science (3), Sci. Adv. (2), Phys. Rev. Letts. (35), Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. (11), J. Amer. Chem. Soc. (16), Angewandt Chemie (5), … etc. He has presented over 300 lectures at international conferences and workshops. He served on many national and international committees and as a member of several journals' editor boards.