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时间:2023-03-02 07:25:26 点击:

报告题目:Electrolyte Engineering in Zn-Ion Batteries(电解液调控稳定Zn离子电池)

何冠杰 博士,伦敦大学学院




  Under the increasingly severe climate and regulative pressures to achieve carbon neutrality, current electrochemical energy storage systems are in need of a radical upgrade to meet various demands from end users. Aqueous zinc ion batteries (AZIBs) provide sustainable routes to grid-scale energy storage because of their cost and safety advantages, using mild aqueous electrolytes and abundant metallic zinc anodes. Besides, owing to the distinctive merits such as relatively high ionic conductivity, environmental benignity, low risks of flammability and considerable energy density of AZIBs compared with conventional Li-ion batteries, AZIBs are intensively investigated to unleash the potential for practical applications. However, the development of rechargeable AZIBs is plagued by poor reversibility due to a series of intrinsic issues, such as hydrogen evolution and Zn dendrite formation. Significantly, the advances in materials discovery and innovation in device configuration have improved the performance of AZIBs in all aspects, including durability, operating voltage range, energy/power density, and economic availability. Different electrolyte components are investigated intensively to suppress the side reaction on the Zn anodes. However, further improvements are needed, especially for realizing the requirement for high energy density and high stability scenarios. The recent progress of AZIBs technology, such as facile electrolyte components and additives for aqueous AZIBs will be discussed in this talk.

水系锌离子电池因具有环境友好, 低成本的优点,有望用于下一代大规模储能。然而,水系锌离子电池的实际应用受到有关水的副反应和枝晶问题的限制。引入电解液添加剂可以抑制锌阳极上的副反应并扩大水性电解液的工作电位窗口。本报告將介绍我们开发的一种新型的检测锌枝晶的技术手段。关于锌离子基于锌负极保护,此次报告从电解质设计角度出发,主要包括两类研究。一是溶剂化结构调控,二是原位生成SEI层的调控。


  Dr He is an Assistant Professor in Advanced Propulsion at University College London  (UCL), London/UK. Before his current appointment, he was a member of the faculty at Queen Mary University of London and University of Lincoln, respectively. Dr He obtained his Ph.D. in Chemistry at UCL in 2018. He has also worked as a visiting researcher at the Energy Sciences Centre, Yale University, and postdoctoral research associate at the Electrochemical Innovation Lab at UCL. Dr He has rapidly expanded his research activities, including through a growing number of collaborations in diverse areas from the core focus of materials and devices for aqueous energy storage and conversion, to advanced characterisations and simulations. He is recognized by an “Emerging Investigator” award by Nanoscale, Journal of Materials Chemistry A and an “New Investigator Award” (NIA) by the UK EPSRC, and a prestigious ERC Starting Grant.

何冠杰,伦敦大学学院(UCL)化工系助理教授,博士生导师。研究领域主要为水系电池、电催化材料与器件、先进表征及模拟,发表学术论文100余篇,SCI他引5500余次,H因子42。曾获Nanoscale, JMCA 新锐科学家,EPSRC新锐学者奖,ERC Starting Grant和STFC青年学者奖等荣誉。


