报告题目:There is Plenty of Room at the Bottom – Physics at Low Pressure
报告人:John S. Tse,加拿大萨斯喀彻温大学教授,加拿大皇家科学院院士
报告时间:2023年11月15日 14:00
Most research on high-pressure science was focused on very high pressures. Many novel discoveries have been made in recent years. However, extreme pressure is not a practical approach for applying pressure to fabricate functional materials. Previously, we have demonstrated that the magnetic and electrical phase diagrams of molecular radical solids mimic that of oxide superconductors and could act as models for studying highly correlated systems. Here, I report recent results on the structural evolution of simple solids, such as water, silicon and germanium, using time and temperature-resolved X-ray and neutron diffraction over a broad P-T range to explore the complex potential landscapes and to determine the transformation paths. We uncovered several phenomena that defy straightforward explanations. There is much more to learn!

Dr. Tse joined the National Research Council in 1980 and became a Principal Research Officer and Leader of the Theory and Computation Program. His interest in high-pressure science started in early 1990 when he explained the phenomenon of pressure amorphization of crystalline solids. For this work, he was awarded the 1995 Chemical Society of Canada Noranda (later the Keith Laidler) award for a physical chemist under 45. Since moving to the University of Saskatchewan in 2004 as a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair on synchrotron materials science, he focused on the superconductivity behaviour of dense hydrogen alloys and magnetic single-molecule radical solids under compression. He was elected to a Fellow of the Royal Society, Canada in 2008. He received an earned D.Sc in 2012 and appointed a Centennial Research Chair and Distinguished Professor in 2018. Dr. Tse has published over 600 articles, including 33 reviews and book chapters on diverse subjects. His h-index is 80 with over 25,000 citations. Many of the papers appeared in the most prestigious scientific journals such as Nature (11), Nature Materials (1), Nature Chemistry (1), Nature Comm. (2), Science (3), Sci. Adv. (2), Phys. Rev. Letts. (35), Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. (11), J. Amer. Chem. Soc. (16), Angewandt Chemie (5), Sci. Bull. (2) … etc. . He has presented over 300 lectures at international conferences and workshops. He served on many national and international committees and as a member of several journals' editor boards.