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时间:2023-11-02 13:17:28 点击:

报告题目:Flavour Physics with Belle/Belle II experiment

报告人:Eiasha Waheed,日本筑波高能加速器研究组织(KEK JSPS) 博士后

报告时间:2023117 1900

ZOOM677 0069 0374 密码:347615


  The Physics at the B Factories describe a long effort in the quest for the precise determination of asymmetry between particles and antiparticles. The matter we see around us is the residue of the matter and antimatter that existed in the early universe. So the question arises: how did the baryonic matter-antimatter asymmetry arise? Standard model is the most precisely experimentally probed theory ever but fails at providing a full-picture explanation for many cosmological observations and leaves several intrinsic questions. Holy grail of todays experimental particle physics is to find signatures of dynamics beyond the Standard Model (New Physics.). The Belle/Belle II experiment in the era of Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has complementarity to the studies at the LHC. There are great expectations for the Super B Factories such as Belle II to reveal a clue to the world beyond the Standard Model.


  Eiasha Waheed,巴基斯坦人,2012年在巴基斯坦旁遮普邦大学获得高能物理学硕士学位,2018年在澳大利亚墨尔本大学获得物理学博士学位。2019年至今在日本KEK JSPS做博士后研究。在过去的9年里,一直参与Belle/Belle II实验,用Belle实验研究半轻子和强子B衰变,并且对CKM矩阵元素Vcb进行了最精确的测量,用BelleBelle II的数据测量了强子B介子到魅力介子的衰变。

