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时间:2023-06-05 16:47:45 点击:

报告题目:Closing the gap between functional QCD method and experimental observables

报告人:高飞,北京理工大学物理学院 副教授




  The functional QCD methods, including Dyson-Schwinger equations and functional Renormalization group approach, have made fruitful achievements on studying QCD. However, the methods have been questioned on their prediction ability due to the trunction problem, ie, the infinite tower of the equations. After decades of studies, it is gradually realized that due to an infrared fixed point, the tower of the equations can be quickly closed. Now with this knowledge, one finds that all the results of functional QCD methods are converging to the experimental data. We are then putting efforts on the explanation of the phenomena in heavy ion collisions and also in the evolution of Early Universe.


  Fei gao has obtained his PhD degree from Peking University in 2015. After that, he conducted postdoctoral research at the University of Valencia in Spain, and then worked as a Humboldt fellow at Heidelberg University in Germany. Currently, he works as Associate Professor at the School of Physics, Beijing Institute of Technology.

  The speaker's main research direction is the study of QCD phase structure and its thermodynamic properties through functional QCD methods. This research has led to the investigation of phenomena such as the interpretation of heavy-ion collision experiments and cosmological evolution. The speaker has published 32 academic papers in journals such as Phys. Rev. Lett., Phys. Lett. B, and Phys. Rev. D, with a total citation count of over a thousand. Among them, 8 papers have been cited more than 50 times individually.

